The 17th Annual Warrick Book of the Year Awards

2002 Winners

Wait! Don't buy that Christmas pressie just yet. Just when you were going to opt for the anonymity of the book voucher the 17th Annual Warrick Book of the Year Awards are here. No Prizes, just heaps of kudos for those lucky enough to make the cut!

Non-Fiction Fiction Poetry

Alain De Botton's 'The Art of Travel' merges philosophy and travel writing just as you might like to see it. Taking various philosophers and their reflections on travel, De Botton follows their footsteps as he explores the philosophical basis for travelling and staying at home. The chapter on Wordsworth alone is worth the price of the book. Maybe this isn't highbrow philosophy, maybe it's tame travel writing with no jungles or crocodiles to tame.

Alain de Botton Home Page

Sydney Morning Herald Review

Read a Nasty Little Parody

Is this fiction or non-fiction? Is this memory, re-creation or history? One critic called his work 'genre-defying'. Sebald has been blurring the boundaries for a while with beautiful elegaic books like 'The Rings of Saturn', 'Vertigo' and 'The Emmigrants' but this sadly will be seen as his masterpiece. Sadly, because he was killed earlier this year in a car accident and all that writing that may have been, wont be. 'Austerlitz' can't be described, in that you don't quite know what's going on, let along how each sentence works. But work it does.

Spike Magazine calls this novel 'mesmerising'. Nice word for it.

Salon magazine loved it too!

Read the Last Interview with Sebald before his death.

The Guardian PROFILES Sebald.


Kevin Hart has been at the forefront of Australian poetry for such a long time that it's hard to think of him as a fresh voice. But this book sounds fresh and the new poems merge well with old favorites from early books. I was at Kevin's last Australian reading at the Water Rat Hotel just before he left to live and work in the USA and the poems sound great read aloud. Not just a university poet.

Kevin Hart PROFILE

An INTERVIEW with Hart from Cordite Magazine

Another INTERVIEW where Hart talks about his beginnings as a poet, beginning with a love of Shelly.

Highly Commended

Fiction: Andrea Barrett's 'The Voyage of the Narwhal',

Non-Fiction: Peter Rose 'Rose Boys', Les Carloyn's 'Gallipoli' Winston Churchill's six volume History of the Second World War, Jon Stallworthy's biography of Louis Macniece, Roger McDonald's 'The Tree in Changing Light'

Poetry: Paul Kane's 'Drowned Lands, Paul Muldoon's 'Hay', Robert Gray's 'afterimages'


The Warrick Book of the Year List is (C) 2002